Maybe What’s Good Gets a Little Bit Better

I don’t know what your last week or so has been like but I’ve been through a bit of a wringer again.  From what I’m hearing many others have been as well.  I was listening to the monthly horoscopes of DK Brainard yesterday (his scopes are really accurate for me) and what he said rings so true: whatever parts of our lives are not in alignment with our purpose, wherever our relationships are not in balance it’s going to show now due to all of the planetary alignments (it’s something with Uranus or Pluto or both).     Definitely saw that this week with my kids, outgrown friendship patterns, and old insecurities at work.

I’ve found myself worrying since I went back to work: I’m not enough, I’m dependent on this money, I’m not going to fit in.  And the shift from feeling abundant with blessings (while unemployed yet having more money than before somehow) to working again (and money becoming tight) has been really obvious.

Onward and upward with the return to my center.  I’d been told in a meditation last week that a new project at work was coming, one that would use my talents and would help me support the Mother at the same time: but by the end of this week I was railing at the Universe again.  Even to the point of crying last night that I just wanted some help.

So of course today things resolve, easily and gently without fanfare.  Some money showed up, I got assigned to a new project where I get to travel to a country in Africa I’ve never visited and work with our Paris office (hello parfum!) – even my dryer started magically working again all on its own.  They’d told me that I’d hear something about this assignment by today and I STILL don’t trust them when I’m like that.  Let’s hear it for divine patience!  LOL.

This morning I got a couple of emails saying something I know but forgot: when focusing on what I want I need to feel it like it’s already happened, wear that feeling in as much detail as possible and be grateful for it – and then let it go and trust that the Universe is bringing it to me.  I don’t have to cling or cringe or feel bad about myself or get angry at the Angels.  I just need to trust and let it go.

When I get through these mini-firestorms and look back at myself with clarity it’s amazing how stupid I look flaying and floundering about in a tiny mud puddle when all I had to do was belly flop and roll out in a bit of surrender, spray off the mud and get up. Ta da.

At least I’m back to me now.  There will be more mud of course but each time it gets a little easier to get out of my own way.  And for this I’m very grateful!  Hope your week ends on a note of graceful gratitude as well.

This started going through my head when I got home (I truly love getting songs planted in my head!).  A great song and I love her voice.

2 responses

  1. Hey Julie, thanks for sharing your insight and this beautiful song! I certainly feel that I was taking leap after leap in the past few weeks.
    I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, I see what you do with your talents/natrual gifts (and there is another psychic in B-school) – you both really inspired me. I started to give myself permission to do readings too. One step at a time, but I’ll get there 🙂
    sending you love and energy

    • Hi YiYe,

      Thanks so much for the kind words. I feel the same way with B-school, there’s a lot of great material. I just checked out your site – you’ve got so much to share – go for it! Thanks for reading, please stay in touch. Hugs, Julie

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